San Francisco Homes for Sale — 398 Guerrero Street, San Francisco, CA



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Sometimes, in adult life, it seems like there are too many rules. I’m not talking about the ones that keep people safe — I’m thinking of the implied ones, the little voices that say “don’t wear stripes and polka dots in the same outfit” or “don’t put paint on your refrigerator.” The kinds of things that I never thought twice about in my youthful wonder. That’s exactly why seeing this playfully painted home for sale in San Francisco brought me so much joy. 

If you’ve been thinking about painting your bedroom ceiling, look no further for inspiration. These rooms are rich in painted ceilings, from a saturated emerald canopy in one bedroom (which also includes a faux garden wall feature) to a twisting black-and-white ribbon across the living room ceiling. 

And don’t think the current owner, an artist, didn’t use the walls themselves as a canvas. Blue walls with swooshes and squiggles define the hallway, while pink amoeba-like shapes adorn the top border of the dining room. In the kitchen, you’ll find sunny yellow swirls across the cabinets and a pink detail on the stainless steel fridge, while the bathroom has a whirling accent of its own on the glass shower door. One of my favorite elements is a lime green squiggle that runs on the wall along the staircase; it makes me think of drawing on the wall with crayons as a kid — if the kid in question were a meticulous and talented artist.

It’s not just about the paint, though. It’s not even about the tiki bar that lives on the landing just outside the dining room. The home is being sold as you see it in photos, fully furnished, which means the buyer will inherit details like disco balls, oval couches, eclectic artwork, and plenty of other design choices that feel like breaking the rules in the best way.

Are you on the house hunt, or just the type of person who loves browsing real estate listings, even when you’re not in the market for a new home? Property Crush is a column where we feature actual real estate listings that get the Apartment Therapy seal of approval in regards to style (we haven’t done home inspections or anything, so don’t sue us). Know of a great house on the market? Email the listing to [email protected].


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